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Ottoman Studies Research Guide: Documents

This guide aims to help researchers working in the field of Ottoman studies particularly, and Islamic history in general, to find suitable materials for their research from the large collection of books, manuscripts, photographs, maps...etc, that were pro

"If Corpora Are Lost, So Will History"--Asad Rustum in Muṣṭalaḥ Al-Tārīkh, p. 1

Asad Jibrail Rustum Collection, 1720-2015

Asad Jibrail Rustum,1897-1965. He served at the American University of Beirut from 1927 to 1943 as professor of History and later joined the Lebanese University. Rustum was also the official historian of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Rustum’s Collection includes personal documents, correspondence, maps, photos, manuscripts, in addition to some material he compiled during his work at the Egyptian Royal Archives. (History of Lebanon, Eastern Church and Egyptian Royal Archives).

Zeine Nour-Ed-Dine Zeine Collection, 1834-1996

Zeine Nour-Ed-Dine Zeine (1908-1996), historian, alumnus (BA, 1929; MA, 1945), & Professor at the American University of Beirut (AUB) (1930-1974). The Zeine Nour-Ed-Dine Zeine collection contains biographical information, addresses, articles, press clippings, correspondence, honoring, and memorial ceremonies, in addition to material related to his work on the history of the Middle East, Europe, and Ottoman Empire. (Middle East History, Ottoman Empire)

Khalil Sukkar Collection, 1885-1965

The small collection of Khalil Sukkar, member of the Jordanian Parliament during the 20th C, includes identity and invitation cards, correspondence, addresses of King Abdallah of Jordan, as well as letters of May Ziadeh’s, and few photos. (Jordan, Politics, Government). This collection includes only a handful of documents from the Ottoman era, including 2 identity cards and a document related to Yusuf Sukkar.

Daniel Bliss Collection, 1852-1916

The Collection comprises Reverend Daniel Bliss, founder and first president of the Syrian Protestant College (SPC) (1866-1902), correspondence with AUB Community and other coordinates, diaries, addresses, copy of his passport, and letters of condolences to Howard Bliss on his father’s, Daniel Bliss, death, 1916. This collection has a few documents related directly to the field of Ottoman studies, including a letter from Ibrahim Mashaqa about the Ottoman medical system, and the classes of Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Imperial School of Medicine).

George Edward Post Collection, 1833-2011

The George Edward Post collection, professor of surgery and botany at the Syrian Protestant College (1868-1909), includes Post’s correspondence with international botanists, manuscripts, plant lists etc. during his tenure at the Syrian Protestant College (AUB). This collection includes some documents that can be of interest to the Ottoman researcher, such as: a report by the American National Red Cross in Constantinople on August 12, 1915; and memoirs of an Eye witness of Smyrna’s fire, dated September 15, 1922.

Edward Nickoley Collection, 1873-1937

The collection of Edward Nickoley, educator, AUB Acting President (1919-1923) and IC Acting Principal contains his correspondence with AUB community and other prominent coordinates like commander of French forces Henri Gouraud and Prince Faisal of Iraq. It also documents faculty appointments and Nickoley’s experience with famine in Syria during WWI.

Al-Amir Shakib Arslan Collection, 1894-1946

Shakib Arslan, a Lebanese politician and diplomat, poet, and prolific writer, who rallied for Arab Independence from the French and British Mandates. His collection of correspondence and photos spans the years 1900 to 1948; including many letters exchanged between Arslan and his friend and publisher, Mohammad Ali al-Tahir (editor of ālshura, ālshabāb). (French Mandate, Levant, Modern Intellectual History, Political Science, Middle East).

Howard Bliss Collection, 1880-1924

The Collection of Dr. Howard Bliss, missionary educator, 2nd president of the Syrian Protestant College (1903-1920), and member of the Syrian delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, comprises Bliss correspondence with David Stuart Dodge (Chairman of the SPC BOT), Ottoman officials, American Consulate, faculty members and others.

Missionaries, 1819-1945

The small collection of Missionaries documents includes a brief chronicle of the Syria mission, 1819-1909, letters and some records of the American Red Cross, Near East Relief and their humanitarian contributions during wars. It also comprises notebooks of the Beirut Book Review Club of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among its valuable items are articles by Howard Bliss such as: "The Balkan War and Christian Work among Moslems", October 1913; and a Vizierial letter to Kourshid Pasha in favor of Protestants of Syria.

Al-Sahli Family Collection, 1841-1947

The collection consists of legal, financial, real estate and land related administrative papers pertaining to the Sahli family, from 1841 to 1947, in the town of Haifa during the Ottoman Era. The bulk of the papers and legal documents were issued or belonged to the heirs of Abd al-Rahman al-Sahli, Salih al-Sahli & Abdallah al-Sahli. (Human Geography, Ottoman Studies, Palestine, Islamic Law).

Habib Salim Collection, 1896-1922

Habib Salim (1876-1921), physician, born in Nusf Jbeil, Nablus, Palestine. The collection consists of twelve registry deeds of lands mainly of the Salim, Abs, and Abou Musallem families in Nablus during the Ottoman period, 1896-1899, in addition to the Habib Salim medical diploma, death certificate and three digital photos as well as seven Arabic notebooks. The documents offer a rare and valuable glimpse into land ownership in Ottoman Palestine, specifically Nablus.

Minutes of Faculty Meetings of the Syrian Protestant College & the American University of Beirut, 1867-1940

This collection contains 10 bound volumes of minutes for the years 1867 to 1940. The minutes include discussions, financial decisions, students’ activities and societies, discipline, faculty promotion and leaves, interdepartmental relations, academic calendar, reports, etc. The material covers seventy-three years of the University history. The collection sheds light on the work of the university administration during hard and smooth days, including the Ottoman era.

School of Pharmacy, 1871-1978

The School of Pharmacy was a part of the School of Medicine that was established in 1871. During the civil war, this school faced some financial issues that lead to its closure in 1978. Some of its most famous professors are Dr. Amin Farid Haddad & Rudolph Johannes Pauly. As for it's documents that are related to Ottoman Studies, there are a few handwritten recommendation letters for graduate pharmacy students starting from 1887 till 1900, which can shed some light on the education in this part of the empire.

Isa Iskandar al-Maʻluf Catalog Collection, 1888-1988

The collection contains books and imprints catalogs from libraries and publishing houses in MENA Region, Europe, India, and the United States between 1888 and 1988. (Imprints Catalogs, Publishing & Publishers). One of the most important document in this collection is Maṭbaʻat al-Jawāʼib's catalogue published in 1888 in Istanbul.

Ishak Ibrahim Tannous Collection, 1908-1940

This small collection consists of 53 handwritten letters and two photos. The personal and financial letters were sent by various Lebanese immigrants from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and the USA to their families in Lebanon through the reliable Mr. Tannous, who played financial mediator between the immigrants and their families. Useful for researchers who are studying the early Levantine diaspora in the new world.

Jirji Zaydan Collection, 1900-1938

The collection includes Jirji Zaydan’s correspondence, notebooks, manuscripts and English translation of his Novel "the Virgin of Koreish". Zaydan was a Lebanese author, novelist, editor, and publisher. Born in Beirut, then moved to Cairo where he established “Dar al Hilal" publishing house in 1892.