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EndNote X9: Welcome

This guide provides basic information on using EndNote (citation management tool)

Get EndNote Client

Download EndNote 

You may download EndNote Client from

Should you encounter any problem with the installation, please contact 

Things to Remember!

EndNote does not replace the style manual.

Use ONE EndNote library (Arrange references into Group sets and Groups.)

Check your import results, mainly when working with sources  that may have inconsistent data.

Welcome to EndNote Guide

This guide provides basic information on using EndNote Desktop
Use the above tabs to navigate through the pages of the guide. 

What is EndNote?

EndNote is a powerful tool for managing your research.

What Can You Do with EndNote?

  • Create your own database of references. EndNote provides five ways of importing references: 1. Online Search   2. Direct Export   3. Importing text files   4. Importing PDF files   5. Manual entry. 
  • Insert your references into your word document to create in-text citations and a reference list.
  • Attach PDFs, or any other kind of file to your reference.
  • Read and annotate your PDF attachments.
  • Organize your references into groups.
  • Share your references with others.
  • And much more!
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Subject Guide

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Nabila Shehabeddine
Jafet Library
American University of Beirut
+961-1-350000 ext. 2629