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Evidence Based Medicine (EBM): SML EBM Resources

Welcome to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) guide that is intended to provide basic information about EBM with special emphasis on searching and evaluating studies retrieved using Medline, PubMed, Cochrane and other Internet resources.

SML EBM Resources


SML subscribes to a large list of EBM resources that are represented in the below Pyramid:

ebm_pyramidTRIP Database SearchesfilteredSystematic ReviewsCritically Appraised TopicsCritically Appraised Indivisuals_articlesRandomized Controlled TrialsCohort StudiesCase Controlled studiesCase Controlled studies​​

TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice) Database Plus

Simultaneously searches evidence-based sources of systematic reviews, practice guidelines, and critically-appraised topics and articles - including most of those listed above and many more. Results are filtered by MEDLINE's Clinical Queries, guidelines, systematic reviews, evidence-based synopses, medical image databases, e-textbooks, and patient information leaflets.

Filtered Resources: these appraise the quality of studies and often make recommendations for practice.


Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analysis

The Cochrane Library

Consists of detailed, structured topic reviews of hundreds of articles. Teams of experts complete comprehensive literature reviews, evaluate the literature, and present summaries of the findings of the best studies.

Systematic Reviews are also searchable in MEDLINE and PubMed:

  • Ovid MEDLINE: Enter search query as usual. Click on the "More Limits" icon; select  "Systematic Reviews " under  "Subject Subsets."
  • PubMed: Click on  "Clinical Queries" on PubMed main screen; select  "Find Systematic Reviews" after entering search query.
Critically-Appraised Topics: authors of critically-appraised topics evaluate and synthesize multiple research studies.

Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

A comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans. These guideline evidence varies from expert opinion to high levels of evidence.

Clinical Knowledge Summaries

Up-to-date knowledge on common acute and chronic diseases, and disease prevention is presented through PRODIGY guidance and Topic Reviews providing recommendation for management to enable the writing of a prescription for recommended drugs and devices. Provides also patient information leaflets, and summarizes the recommendations within the full guidance, and contains concise supporting information and prescription details. Knowledge that is intended to be used during the consultation is represented in scenarios that describe realistic, distinct clinical situation.


DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other health care professionals for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'. With clinically-organized summaries for nearly 2,000 topics, DynaMed is an evidence-based reference that helps answer clinical questions. It is updated daily and monitors the content of over 500 medical journals and systematic evidence review databases directly and indirectly by using many journal review services. Each publication is reviewed and evaluated for clinical relevance and scientific validity.

Evidence Alerts

Quality articles from over 110 clinical journals are selected by research staff, and then rated for clinical relevance and interest by an international group of physicians. Includes a searchable database of the best evidence from the medical literature and an email alerting system. From BMJ Publishing Group and McMaster University's Health Information Research Unit.


Primary research articles within the discipline of family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, psychiatry, and surgery are selected for quality and clinical relevance. A structured abstract and expert commentary are provided for each study.

Unfiltered Resources


To limit your PubMed search to the best evidence-producing studies: Click on "clinical queries" (frpm PobMed main page). This specialized search is intended for clinicians and has built-in search "filters." Four study categories--therapy, diagnosis, etiology, prognosis--are provided, and you may indicate whether you wish your search to be more sensitive (i.e., include most relevant articles but probably including some less relevant ones) or more specific (i.e., including mostly relevant articles but probably omit a few).

Ovid Medline

To limit your Ovid MEDLINE search to the best evidence-producing studies: do the search as usual, click on limits then "More Limits" icon, and select options under "Clinical Queries" .


Major biomedical and pharmaceutical database covering drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation. Produced by Excerpta Medica and updated weekly.

To limit your EMBASE search to the best evidence-producing studies: Do the search as usual then click "More Limits" and select options under "Evidence Based Medicine".


International coverage of the professional and academic literature in psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas.

To limit your PsycINFO search to the best evidence-producing studies: Click on the  'Limits ' icon or limit to  'methodology ' types.

CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

To limit your CINAHL search to the best evidence-producing studies: Do the search as usual then click "More Limits" and select options under "Clinical Queries".

Background Information/Expert Opinion:> evidence in below resources may vary from expert opinion to high levels of evidence.



                  A clinical information resource, which offers up-to-date, fully referenced expert answers to patient-care, diagnosis, and treatment questions. Topic reviews are written by recognized authorities who review the topic, synthesize the evidence, summarize key findings, and provide specific recommendations.


SML offers a large collection of full-text electronic textbooks.

Evidence-Based Medicine Information Sites

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford University)

The Centre promotes evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. Includes the EBM Toolbox, an assortment of materials which are very useful for practitioners of EBM, and EBM Teaching Materials, including PowerPoint presentations.

EBM Information Sites

Evidence-Based Medicine Information Sites

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford University)

The Centre promotes evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. Includes the EBM Toolbox, an assortment of materials which are very useful for practitioners of EBM, and EBM Teaching Materials, including PowerPoint presentations.

Netting the Evidence

From the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield, UK. Includes a comprehensive list of EBM databases, journals, articles, and other information sources.